Bard for Google Pro

Bard for Google Pro - the revolutionary AI-driven Chrome extension to simultaneous access Bard AI results along your regular google search results. Supports conversational chats, dark mode and multiple search engines.

Bard for Google Pro

Bard for Google Pro is a powerful Chrome extension that integrates Google Bard AI into your search results, enhancing your search experience. It offers AI-powered search results, multi-search engine support, seamless conversation continuation, dark mode, and customizable result display modes.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered Search Results: Access Google Bard AI results instantly alongside your regular search results, offering valuable insights without additional clicks or page loads.
  • Multi-Search Engine Support: Utilize Bard AI across different search engines, extending its capabilities beyond Google Search to your preferred search engine.
  • Seamless Conversation Continuation: Carry on your search conversations effortlessly, picking up where you left off, asking follow-up questions, and diving deeper into your search topic without leaving the search page.
  • Dark Mode: Customize your browsing experience with a visually appealing and eye-friendly dark mode, reducing eye strain during extended search sessions and enhancing readability.
  • Automatic and Manual Result Display: Choose your preferred mode for viewing AI results. Enable automatic mode to have AI results appear alongside regular search results automatically. Alternatively, switch to manual mode to trigger the display of AI results when needed.


  • Gain valuable insights and context without the need for additional clicks or page loads.
  • Extend Bard AI capabilities to your preferred search engine, ensuring a consistent search experience.
  • Seamlessly continue search conversations and delve deeper into search topics without navigating away from the search page.
  • Customize the interface with dark mode, reducing eye strain and improving readability.
  • Flexibly choose between automatic and manual result display modes, depending on your preference and need for AI insights.

Bard for Google Pro empowers users to elevate their search experience by seamlessly integrating the powerful capabilities of Google Bard AI into their regular search results.

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